The music ministry is vital element to Eastridge Presbyterian Church and its worship services. The music ministry includes vocal choirs, a handbell choir, organ, piano, & Eastridge Brass. We welcome new participants to any group. We also offer Choral Scholar positions which are filled by periodic auditions.
See how you can experience the joy of music ministry and fellowship!
New members are always welcome!
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is open to all adults and students in middle school and up. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir sings a variety of musical styles regularly in worship service from September through May and serves as worship leaders in congregation song.
Children's Music
Our Children’s Choir (K-5) comes together to prepare for special celebrations occasionally throughout the year. Rehearsals are included during weekly Tuesday Afterschool Programming (until 5:30). Contact Kris Adler-Brammer for more information.
Praise Band
The Praise Band helps to lead worship throughout the year. Contemporary praise charts and hymns are used to lead congregational song. Contact Will McGuire if you would like to join.
Kirk Ringers
Open to high school students and older, the Kirk Ringers rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. They ring in worship one Sunday a month. The Kirk Ringers occasionally collaborate with the Chancel Choir, or other choirs, and ring on holidays or special services. New ringers are welcome to join!
Choral Scholars
Eastridge Presbyterian Church Choral Scholars are an integral part of the Chancel Choir and help to lead their section in rehearsal and in performance. Each singer is a music major or minor at a local university. We have one Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass scholar. Each singer is required to attend Wednesday evening rehearsals and Sunday morning worship services. All positions are filled by audition on an as needed basis. The auditions consist of one prepared sacred piece as well as sight-reading.
Eastridge Hospice Singers
Organized in the fall of 2018, the Eastridge Hospice Singers is a group of hospice-trained musicians whose mission is to bring the peace and comfort of music to those in hospice care. Through requests made by family members, friends, care providers and pastors/ spiritual advisors, small groups of these hospice-trained volunteers provide singing visits to individuals receiving hospice at any stage of their life’s journey. Our church financially and spiritually supports the Eastridge Hospice Singers of which is currently made up of 30 singers from eight different denominations. They are formally associated with Tabitha Hospice and HoriSun Hospice but sing for anyone receiving hospice care with any hospice provider. They practice the first Thursday of each month and sing a cappella.
To request a singing visit for someone in hospice care or to inquire about joining the Eastridge Hospice Singers, contact Patty Niemann at or the church office at 402-488-7844.